
I realise it has been entirely too long since I’ve written anything of interest on this blog… For a while, I was posting every 4 weeks or so, but it has been in excess of 2 months since my last post….

This is because I’m the king of starting blog entries on thoughts, and not finishing them. I kid you not, I have at least 10 blog entries in various stages of completion – all but the “finished” stage.

This is not a new years resolution, but more a challenge to myself to be a more active writer. It is an outlet for thoughts that I enjoy, but not one that I use enough.

Feel free to start hassling me if I go too long without writing….

2 thoughts on “Updates

  1. Hey, Dominic!

    I found your blog via “Stuff Christians Like.” I’m a photographer too, so your post caught my attention. You’ve got some good stuff here!

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