Screw the World (Remix)

I suppose some of you might wonder what the deal was with the whole “Screw the world” topic yesterday….

Yeah, I wondered that myself. All I remember, was that the name of the brilliant blog entry that I lost (may it’s soul rest in peace), was “Screw the world” – and that it marginally had something to do with an IM conversation with Rebecca.

Aha! After sufficient digging around in my history, I figured out what the reference was from. I was grumbling about the nablopomo site not having an easy way to import/rss-suck-in your real blog posts, instead providing a means to post blog entries (thus requiring you to double-post, in essence).

To which my response was: Maybe I’ll just blog… and screw the world 🙂

So yeah, I’m not double-blogging – heavens know I am having enough trouble keeping up with this blog, I don’t need yet another blog to worry about.

So keep watching this spot, people. It might actually get interesting. 🙂