
During a conversation this morning, I was reminded of a few things:

Going to God with praise comes easily when life is good and things are going well.

Going to God with requests comes easily when life is hard and things are going horrible.

But when you’re in that inbetween area – the I’m-just-kind-of-coasting-along time… I find it difficult to maintain a consistent prayer life.

Sure, I pray a few prayers here and there, but I do not consistently (nor persistently) spend time in prayer, even for the small things.

How do others deal with this struggle? Maybe y’all are better than me and don’t struggle – I don’t know. 🙂


Give me the wisdom and perseverance to come to you, be it for better or for worse. Give me an unending desire to do so, and remind me when my pride or stubbornness wants to tell me otherwise.

You are awesome. Thanks.