Please nominate me

Okay, I will engage in a flagrant display of self-promotion, and a plea of assistance to all my friends who are willing to help out one fledgeling photographer….

“So, what’s this all about?”

Thanks for asking – Chase Jarvis has offered to sponsor one person to the ASMP Strictly Business 2 conference in Chicago this spring.

From the ASMP website:

ASMP’s Strictly Business 2 is a weekend conference that will teach you real-world business skills and help you thrive in our highly competitive industry.

In order to accommodate this, he has set out the following “rules of engagement”:

Here’s how you win:

  1. Put your name, url, and up to 100 words about why you’d be a great candidate in the comments section below.

  2. Reach out to friends, family, co-workers, instructors, etc, whomever makes sense to support your nomination. In the comments section below, have them list also your name, your website if you have one, and have them write from 0 to 100 words – not more – on your behalf, why you’d be a good candidate, etc.

So, Dominic, I’d love to help… how?

I’m glad you asked – basically, I plead with each and every one of you to go here and give Chase a 100 words or less pitch about why he should sponsor me to the SB2 conference.

To help you along your way, you can look at my photography here, and here is what I wrote when I self-nominated myself:


I nominate myself – Dominic Eidson,

Why? Because I love photography. More than I love my current bread & butter IT job. And in order to make (more of) a business out of photography, I’ll have to learn more about photography as a business. And what better place to learn the business side of photography than to be invited to SB2 by none other than Chase Jarvis himself?

I’m currently focusing on portraiture, hoping to be able to combine my love for photojournalism into one of those “unique looks.” However, I also like shooting landscapes, travel photography and the weird stuff that goes into “contemporary.”

Thanks for the support, y’all.