Hurricane Ike and chance of rain…

This is what we did at work thursday:

Indicate on this page how many inches of rain
you think we'll get, and how many GW's you put
on your guess.

(We'll audit the edit history -
no last-minute changes saturday through monday)

    * 3.00" - D***** - $1
    * 0.5" - M***** - $1
    * 2.78" - M***** - $1
    * 0.00" - R***** - $1,000,000 (real money)
    * 1.5" - C***** - $1
    * 1.6" - C***** - 1 latte (true currency)
    * 1.4" - C***** - $1
    * 3.5" - B***** - $1
    * 0.75" @ ABIA - S***** - $1
    * Trace - R***** - $1

On the flip side, the last 3 days have been spent coming up with disaster scenarios and how to keep hospital systems running despite any disasters…

I figured we needed a break for some silliness.