Complete Transparency

I have often wondered what it would be like, to live life in complete transparency.

Hiding not one thought, not one idea, not one of the deep, dark secrets that we all have hidden away, deep down in our subconscious. Sharing them, free to float on the wind like small gray pigeons – beautiful as they fly, but each individually full of dirt and filth?

Would the world be a better place if they knew that I sometimes think mean things, really mean things, without even meaning to?

Would the world be a better place if they saw the sadness, depression and the incredible depths of pain and despair that sometimes wrack this mind?

In relationships people always talk about how it’s important to communicate – Would the world be a better place if it heard every single thought, doubt and indecision that gets filed away, each in their very own dark place?

Would the world be a better place with all the introspection, the self-doubt, the concerns and the worries?

Sure, there are the positives.

There is the love, the smiles, the warm memories… But those are often shared, especially during this high season of loving and sharing with others. We live our lives sharing all the warm fuzzyness, and shying away from revealing both sides of the coin.

Sometimes it’s for fear of rejection, sometimes it’s for fear of hurting others, sometimes it’s your own selfish pride that gets in the way.

So tell me this, dear readers…

Would you like to spend a week in my mind?

I don’t. 🙂

1 thoughts on “Complete Transparency

  1. I think if I could be that transparent with someone all the time, I’d be in heaven. No fear of what the other person may think, no worries about the relationship being affected…just pure acceptance and love. Sounds great to me.

    And if I could be that way with someone, I’d definitely strive to give them the same thing.

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