844 miles

That’s the distance (including parking lots and gas stations) from Donalsonville, GA to my home in Austin, TX.

We drove through 6 states: Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas.

We drove that distance today in roughly 13 hours (11 hours, 49 minutes driving, the rest was food/gas/bathroom breaks).

I’m glad to be home, even though my apartment is a mess from unloading the car. 🙂

2 thoughts on “844 miles

  1. Wow – you drove through 6 states? See – now if you believe the news that gets reported internationally from the US, you would have thought passing through half of those states would get you several new cousins, robbed, stabbed, and probably pimped…

  2. Yeah, you’d think. Oddly enough, the closest to any danger we came, was watching a full-size SUV 3 cars ahead of us having to lock it’s brakes, swerve off the road and through the median ditch, only to straighten out and presumably be on it’s way again (Maybe with some complaints from the drivers wife).

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